1. The Acorn Planter: “A man with a club bat is a law-maker, a man to be obeyed, but not necessarily conciliated.” Jack London
  2. A Midsummer Night's Dream William Shakespeare
  3. Faust Johann Von Goethe
  4. But What I Really Want to Do Is Direct: Lessons from a Life Behind the Camera: Lessons from a Life Behind the Camera Ken Kwapis
  5. Una herida incurable Jon Viar
  6. Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett (Book Analysis): Detailed Summary, Analysis and Reading Guide Bright Summaries
  7. Pygmalion George Bernard Shaw
  8. Macbeth William Shakespeare
  9. Major Barbara George Bernard Shaw
  10. Obras escogidas: Narrativa y teatro Guillermo Jiménez
  11. The Alchemist Ben Jonson
  12. The Tempest: [Illustrated Edition] William Shakespeare
  13. The Winter's Tale William Shakespeare
  14. Tragedy of Julius Caesar William Shakespeare
  15. The Actor Within: Intimate Conversations with Great Actors Rose Eichenbaum
  16. Big Secret Book: An Intense Guide for Creating Performance Theatre Denise Clarke
  17. Auteurs, acteurs, spectateurs Bernard, Tristan
  18. Playwrights on playmaking Matthews, Brander
  19. Deadly Seven Tina Papados
  20. Lin-Manuel Miranda: The Education of an Artist Daniel Pollack-Pelzner
  21. The Rock Ahead Edmund Yates
  22. Animation Lab for Kids: Fun Projects for Visual Storytelling and Making Art Move - From cartooning and flip books to claymation and stop-motion movie making Laura Bellmont
  23. 30-Second Literature: The 50 most important forms, genres and styles, each explained in half a minute Ella Berthoud
  24. 30-Second Opera: The 50 crucial concepts, roles and performers, each explained in half a minute Hugo Shirley
  25. El síndrome de Bergerac. Una comedia heroica Pablo Gutiérrez
  26. Мужчина в колготках Александр Песков
  27. Бумажный театр: непроза Людмила Улицкая
  28. Putting It Together: How Stephen Sondheim and I Created Sunday in the Park with George James Lapine
  29. Open Book Theater Management: Ethical Theater Production Rafe Beckley
  30. Ölmeyi Bilen Adam - Muhsin Ertuğrul Ayşegül Çelik
  31. Los dos hidalgos de Verona William Shakespeare
  32. Mucho ruido y pocas nueces William Shakespeare
  33. Trabajos de amor perdido William Shakespeare
  34. Statecraft and Stagecraft: American Political Life in the Age of Personality, Second Edition Robert Schmuhl
  35. A Patchwork Quilt: A Collage of My Creative Life Sai Paranjpye
  36. A Wonderful Guy: Conversations with the Great Men of Musical Theater 1st Edition Eddie Shapiro
  37. The Craft of Scene Writing: Beat by Beat to a Better Script Jim Mercurio
  38. Trilby George du Maurier
  39. In Honour of the Nativity of our Lord (A Play) Robert Hugh Benson
  40. Act Normal: Mark Wheeller Contemporary Monologues Mark Wheeller
  41. The Redacted Sherlock Holmes: The Stage Plays Orlando Pearson
  42. Peggy: The Life of Margaret Ramsay, Play Agent Colin Chambers
  43. Fundamentos del diseño escenográfico Arturo Nava Astudillo
  44. Iluminación escénica: Procedimientos del diseño Arturo Nava Astudillo
  45. A Story that Happens: On Playwriting, Childhood, & Other Traumas Dan O'Brien
  46. Shakespeare y otros clásicos contemporáneos: una mirada shakespeariana al teatro mexicano actual José Ramón Alcántara Mejía
  47. The History of Theatre David Timson
  48. Hedda Gabler Henrik Ibsen
  49. Oyun Analizi Münip Melih Korukçu
  50. Ali and the Sea Stars Ali Stroker