Политически биографии

  1. Срещи с Буров Михаил Топалов-Памукчиев
  2. Големите убийства Анна Заркова
  3. Вова, Володя, Владимир Путин Кристина Курчаб-Редлих
  4. История Славянобългарска Паисий Хилендарски
  5. Бенджамин Франклин: мемоари Бенджамин Франклин
  6. Магелан Стефан Цвайг
  7. Превратът Захари Стоянов
  8. A Boy Named Harry: The Childhood of Lee Kuan Yew Patrick Yee
  9. Breaking Free: How I Escaped Polygamy, the FLDS Cult, and my Father, Warren Jeffs Rachel Jeffs
  10. Зловещата харизма на Хитлер Лорънс Рийс
  11. Троцкий против Сталина Леонид Млечин
  12. Shakespeare Bill Bryson
  13. Господин М. Георги Тенев
  14. Permanent Record: A Memoir of a Reluctant Whistleblower Edward Snowden
  15. Freedom: Memoirs 1954 - 2021 Angela Merkel
  16. Saigon Warrior: From the Saigon Good Life to the Long Binh Jail: A Cynic's Tale Al McDonald
  17. Born to Live on the Edge: Experiences from living on a farm to flying combat sorties in Vietnam to retirement Fredrick Pumroy
  18. Summary of Melania Trump’s Melania IRB Media
  19. The Greatest Comeback Ever: Inside Trump's Big Beautiful Campaign Joe Concha
  20. Feed the World: Birhan Woldu and Live Aid Oliver Harvey
  21. No Ordinary Time by Doris Kearns Goodwin | A 15-minute Summary & Analysis (Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt; The Home Front in World War II): Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt; The Home Front in World War II IRB Media
  22. H is for Hawk by Helen Macdonald | A Review IRB Media
  23. Summary of The Immortal Irishman: by Timothy Egan | Includes Analysis: by Timothy Egan | Includes Analysis IRB Media
  24. The Residence by Kate Andersen Brower | A Review: Inside the Private World of the White House IRB Media
  25. Океан славы и бесславия. Загадочное убийство XVI века и эпоха Великих географических открытий Эдвард Уилсон-Ли
  26. The Private Life of Victoria: Queen, Empress, Mother of the Nation Alexander MacDonald
  27. Hitler's Last Day: The Final Hours of the Führer Richard Dargie
  28. 100 Great Military Leaders: History's Greatest Masters of Warfare Nigel Cawthorne
  29. Kitchener: The Man Behind The Legend Phillip Warner
  30. Field Marshal Earl Haig Phillip Warner
  31. Souls at Risk: Extremism at Home in Red Scare Hollywood Nancy Vernon Kelly
  32. Paul Robeson: A Biography Martin Duberman
  33. Paul Frey: A Story Never Predicted: From Trucking to the World Opera Stage Nancy Silcox
  34. Remembering America: A Voice from the Sixties Richard N. Goodwin
  35. Martin Van Buren: America's First Politician James M. Bradley
  36. A Name for Herself: A Dutch Immigrant’s Story K. A. Van Til
  37. The Life Of Phineas T Barnum: "Money is in some respects life's fire: it is a very excellent servant, but a terrible master." Joel Benton
  38. Anábasis: La Expedición de los Diez Mil Jenofonte
  39. Auchinleck: The Lonely Soldier Phillip Warner
  40. Running A Thousand Miles For Freedom William Craft
  41. Horrocks: The General Who Led From The Front Phillip Warner
  42. Last Of The Great Scouts - The Life Story Of Buffalo Bill: As Told By His Sister Helen Cody Wetmore Helen Cody Wetmore
  43. Narrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass: “Without Struggle There Is No Success” Frederick Douglass
  44. An Autobiography By Anthony Trollope: An autobiography of one of England's most celebrated authors Anthony Trollope
  45. Chronicles of the Underground: Historical Accounts from Agartha Explorers William Ubagan
  46. No Parachute: A Classic Account of War in the Air in WWI Arthur Gould Lee
  47. The Big Show: The Classic Account of WWII Aerial Combat Pierre Clostermann
  48. First Among Equals: Australia’s Prime Ministers from Barton to Morrison Kim Wildman
  49. The World’s Most Dangerous Geek: And More True Hacking Stories David Kushner
  50. Américo Vespucio: La crónica de un error histórico Stefan Zweig