‘Four hundred. All murdered.’ ‘At once?’ ‘So they say.’ ‘By?’ Roger drew back. ‘Well, that’s where things get opaque.’
Bill ten Boom has walked out on everything he thought was important to him: his career, his wife, even his country. Invited to become a prosecutor at The Hague’s International Criminal Court, he had a chance to start afresh.
But when his first case is to examine the disappearance of four hundred Roma refugees – an apparent war crime left unsolved for ten years – it’s clear this new life won’t be an easy one . . .
Whispered rumours have the perpetrators ranging from Serb paramilitaries to the US Army, but there’s no hard evidence to hold either accountable, and only a single witness to say it happened at all.
To get to the truth, Boom must question the integrity of every person linked to the case – from Layton Merriwell, a disgraced US Major General, to flirtatious barrister, Esma Czarni – as it soon becomes apparent that every party has a vested interest and no qualms in steering the investigation their way . . .
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