Modificaciones léxicas fonológicamente motivadas en el Área Metropolitana de Guadalajara (México): Un estudio pragmático-lingüísticoNicole Drees-Alvarez
Morirse, salirse, comerse y otros pseudorreflexivos sin motivación argumental: De su presente e historia en español y francésMartha Guzmán
Effective Communication in a Global Context: Interconnectivity – Interculturality – Interdisciplinarity
English in Elementary Schools: Research and Implications on Minority and Majority Language Children's Reading and Writing Skills in Regular and Bilingual ProgramsAnja Steinlen
Amphion Orator: How the Royal Odes of François de Malherbe Reimagine the French NationMichael Taormina
Agatone e la tragedia attica di fine V sec. a.C.: Studio delle testimonianze e dei frammentiBeatrice Gavazza
English in Inclusive Multilingual Preschools: Researching the Potential of a Teacher Education Model for In-Service TeachersKirsten Birsak de Jersey
Between Dream Houses and "God's Own Junkyard": Architecture and the Built Environment in American Suburban FictionStefanie Strebel
The Art of Foreign Language Teaching: Improvisation and Drama in Teacher Development and Language LearningPeter Lutzker
Cognition and Second Language Acquisition: Studies on pre-school, primary school and secondary school children
EFL Learners' Task Perceptions and Agency in Blended Learning: An Exploratory Mixed-Methods Study on the 'U.S. Embassy School Election Project'Joannis Kaliampos
El español y el alemán en contraste y sus implicaciones didácticas: Nuevas aportaciones desde la gramática, la traducción y la lingüística de corpus
German Expressionism in the Audiovisual Culture / Der deutsche Expressionismus in den Audiovisuellen Medien: Myths, Fantasy, Horror, and Science Fiction / Mythen, Fantasy, Horror und Science-Fiction
The Transformative Power of Literature and Narrative: Promoting Positive Change: A Conceptual Volume in Honour of Vera Nünning
L'auriga dal breve destino: Commento critico-esegetico ai frammenti del Fetonte di EuripideSilvia Onori
The Linguistic Toolkit for Teachers of English: Discovering the Value of Linguistics for Foreign Language TeachingRolf Kreyer
Re-thinking Picturebooks for Intermediate and Advanced Learners: Perspectives for Secondary English Language Education
Dystopia on Demand: Technology, Digital Culture, and the Metamodern Quest in Complex Serial DystopiasLaura Winter