Collected Works Of Marxism, Anarchism, Communism: The Communist Manifesto, Reform or Revolution, The Conquest of Bread, Anarchism: What it Really Stands, The State and Revolution, Fascism: What It Is and How To Fight ItKarl Marx
15+ Political Science. Classics Collection: The Art of War, Tao Te Ching, The Republic, Meditations, The Prince, Utopia, Utilitarianism, Anarchism and othersKarl Marx
Political Science. Classics Collection:: Sun Tzu-The Art of War, Plato-The Republic, Niccolo Machiavelli-The Prince, Lao Tzu-Tao Te Ching, Thomas More-Utopia, Thomas Paine-Common Sense, Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels-The Communist ManifestoKarl Marx2.5