10 Masterpieces You Have to Read Before You Die, Vol.5: The Odyssey, The Republic, Meditations, The Divine Comedy, Faust and othersAristotle
Politics: Aristotle’s Vision of Justice, Society, and Governance - A Modern Translation - Adapted for the Contemporary ReaderAristotle
The Classical Wisdom Collection: History’s Greatest Works on Philosophy, Ethics, and Political ThoughtAristotle
Aristotle’s Metaphysical and Scientific Masterpieces: Metaphysics, On Sense and the Sensible, On Life and Death & On BreathingAristotle
Aristotle on Life, Aging, and Mortality: On Youth and Old Age, On Life and Death, On Longevity and Shortness of Life & On BreathingAristotle
Aristotle’s Complete Works on the Mind, Dreams, and the Nature of Thought: On Memory and Reminiscence, On Dreams & On Sleep and SleeplessnessAristotle
Nicomachean Ethics: The Blueprint for Virtue, Happiness, and the Good Life - A Modern Translation - Adapted for the Contemporary ReaderAristotle
33 Masterpieces of Philosophy and Science to Read Before You Die (Illustrated): Utopia, The Meditations, The Art of War, The Kama Sutra, CandideH.G. Wells2.5
Organon - Posterior Analytics: Exploring the Foundations of Knowledge and Truth: A Philosophical InquiryAristotle
Rhetoric: Mastering the Power of Persuasion: An Ancient Guide to Effective Communication and Rhetorical ExcellenceAristotle
Categories (Κατηγορίαι): Exploring Reality through Aristotle's Categories: A Systematic Analysis of Ontology and LogicAristotle
Organon — Prior Analytics: Unraveling the Threads of Logical Reasoning: Aristotle's Insights in Deductive Logic and Syllogistic PhilosophyAristotle
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