
  1. Kapitalisme: Hoorcollege over de geschiedenis van onze moderne maatschappij Maarten van Rossem
  2. Empire of Normality: Neurodiversity and Capitalism Robert Chapman
  3. The Hidden History of the American Dream: The Demise of the Middle Class—and How to Rescue Our Future Thom Hartmann
  4. Rest Is Resistance: Group Discussion Vines Graener
  5. Revolting Indolence: The Politics of Slacking, Lounging, and Daydreaming in Queer and Trans Latinx Culture Marcos Gonsalez
  6. Capitalism and Freedom: Book Summary & Analysis Milton Friedman
  7. Man, Economy, and State: Book Summary & Analysis Murray N. Rothbard
  8. Human Action: Book Summary & Analysis Ludwig von Mises
  9. Free to Choose: Book Summary & Analysis Milton Friedman
  10. The Capitalist Manifesto: Book Summary & Analysis Andrew Bernstein
  11. Defending the Free Market: Book Summary & Analysis Robert Sirico
  12. The Moral Case for Capitalism: Book Summary & Analysis Ayn Rand
  13. Global Capitalism: Its Fall and Rise in the Twentieth Century, and Its Stumbles in the Twenty-First Jeffry A. Frieden
  14. Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal: Book Summary & Analysis Ayn Rand
  15. The Anti-Capitalistic Mentality: Book Summary & Analysis Ludwig von Mises
  16. The Shocking Truth about Corporate Influence Zoey Fraisers
  17. The Road to Freedom: Book Summary & Analysis Arthur C. Brooks
  18. Anarchism: The Basics: An Introduction to the Philosophy and Principles of Anarchy Arlo Holders
  19. Anarchism and Society: How Anarchism Proposes to Organize a Stateless Society Arlo Holders
  20. A Free Market Manifesto: Book Summary & Analysis Johan Norberg
  21. Anarchy in Action: Case Studies of Anarchist Experiments and Their Outcomes Arlo Holders
  22. Capitalism Unveiled: Understanding the Free Market System and Its Impact on Society Arlo Holders
  23. Capitalism and Inequality: Exploring the Economic Divide in a Capitalist Society Arlo Holders
  24. Elogio del capitalismo: Dieci miti da sfatare Rainer Zitelmann
  25. Communism VS Capitalism: A Comparative Analysis of Two Economic Systems Arlo Holders
  26. الاشتراكية والرأسمالية - جدل سارة سيف ومحمد رمضان
  27. A Mirror for History: How Novels and Art Reflect the Evolution of Middle-Class America Marc Egnal
  28. Mercantilism Explained: The Economic Theory and Its Influence on Colonial Expansion Arlo Holders
  29. Neoliberalism Unveiled: Understanding the Shift Towards Free Market Policies Arlo Holders
  30. Global Capitalism: How the World's Economies Are Interconnected and Influenced Arlo Holders
  31. Titans of Capital: How Concentrated Wealth Threatens Humanity Peter Phillips
  32. Dispatches from the Race War Tim Wise
  33. American Gridlock: Why the Right and Left Are Both Wrong - Commonsense 101 Solutions to the Economic Crises H. Woody Brock
  34. Llega el monstruo. Covid-19, gripe aviar y las plagas de capitalismo: COVID-19, gripe aviar y las plagas del capitalismo Mike Davis
  35. Reflexiones sobre la gestión de la micro, pequeña y mediana empresa en América Latina Robert Beltrán López
  36. Konsumtrottel - Wie uns die Elektro-Multis abzocken und wie wir uns wehren Sepp Eisenriegler
  37. Capital: Volumes One and Two Karl Marx
  38. The Inglorious Years: The Collapse of the Industrial Order and the Rise of Digital Society Daniel Cohen
  39. Freedom From the Market: America’s Fight to Liberate Itself from the Grip of the Invisible Hand Mike Konczal
  40. Kapitalizm, Yoksulluk ve Türkiye'de Sosyal Politika Ayşe Buğra
  41. Türkiye'de Yeni Kapitalizm - Siyaset, Din ve İş Dünyası Ayşe Buğra
  42. Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal Ayn Rand
  43. Green Swans: The Coming Boom In Regenerative Capitalism John Elkington
  44. Stakeholder Capitalism: A Global Economy that Works for Progress, People and Planet Klaus Schwab
  45. Geosofi eller Bilder på en utställning Fredrik Lång
  46. Empresa invertebrada Ricardo Sánchez Butragueño
  47. El empleado es el rey Sílvia Forés
  48. Diez ensayos liberales II Carlos Rodríguez Braun
  49. Panfletos liberales IV Carlos Rodríguez Braun
  50. Panfletos Liberales II Carlos Rodríguez Braun