Seeing Black and White in a Gray World: The Need for Theological Reasoning in the Church's Debate Over Sexuality Bill T. Arnold
Decolonizing Mission Partnerships: Evolving Collaboration between United Methodists in North Katanga and the United States of America Taylor Walters Denyer
Leaning Both Ways at Once: Methodist Evangelistic Mission at the Intersection of Church and World Jeffrey A. Conklin-Miller
Die formative Dimension des Gebets: Pastoraltheologische Grundlegungen einer Gemeindepraxis aus methodistisch-wesleyanischer Perspektive Stefan Zürcher-Allenbach
Tijd van onschuld - De 15-jarige Agnes wordt zwanger en moet afstand doen van haar kind Jeroen Hoogenboom4.3
The West African Methodist Collegiate School, 1911–2021: A Byproduct of Missionary Work in West Africa Christopher E. S. Warburton
Surrendering My Ordination: Standing Up for Gay and Lesbian Inclusivity in The United Methodist Church J. Philip Wogaman
United Methodist Questions, United Methodist Answers, Revised Edition: Exploring Christian Faith Belton Joyner