
  1. 1Q84 boek een Haruki Murakami
  2. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: The 42nd Anniversary Edition of Douglas Adams' International Bestseller Douglas Adams
  3. The Glass Bead Game Hermann Hesse
  4. A Joosr Guide to... Thinking in Numbers by Daniel Tammet: How Maths Illuminates Our Lives Joosr
  5. A Joosr Guide to... How Not to Be Wrong by Jordan Ellenberg: The Hidden Maths of Everyday Life Joosr
  6. Den dummaste jävla idé jag någonsin hört Johan Wendt
  7. The Story of Mathematics Anne Rooney
  8. The Book of Numbers Tim Glynne-Jones
  9. The Great Mathematicians: [Fully Illustrated] Raymond Flood
  10. Cuando los niños se encuentran con los primeros números: Investigaciones en clave socioconstructivista Eduardo Martí Sala
  11. Los numeros de la vida: Resumen y Análisis Kit Yates
  12. Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions Edwin A. Abbott
  13. La matemática en la escuela: Por una revolución epistemológica y didáctica Yves Chevallard
  14. Principia: "The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy" Isaac Newton
  15. LA LOGIQUE RACONTE SON HISTOIRE: Une science au cœur du raisonnement. Stephen Daronyashi
  16. 7th Grade Financial Education: Building Personal Finance skill for Teens and Tweens Simon Schroth
  17. Math Fun in 30 Days: Your Path to Multiplication Mastery: "Transform your math journey! Experience interactive audio lessons for multiplication success in just 30 days!" Jasper Calloway
  18. Un enfoque para el modelamiento de datos utilizando sistemas Neuro-Fuzzy: Aplicaciones geoespaciales Luis Carlos Benini
  19. Applications of Finite Mathematics Gautami Devar
  20. The Future of Maths Learning: Personalised and AI-Driven Oliver Vella
  21. Simplified College Algebra Sachin Nambeesan
  22. Calculus: The Logical Extension of Arithmetic Seymour B. Elk
  23. The SAS Programmer's PROC REPORT Handbook: ODS Companion Jane Eslinger
  24. Learning SAS by Example: A Programmer's Guide, Second Edition Ron Cody
  25. Practical Data Analysis with JMP, Third Edition Robert Carver
  26. JMP Essentials: An Illustrated Guide for New Users, Third Edition Curt Hinrichs
  27. Portfolio and Investment Analysis with SAS: Financial Modeling Techniques for Optimization John B. Guerard
  28. Exercises and Projects for The Little SAS Book, Sixth Edition Susan J. Slaughter
  29. The SAS Programmer's PROC REPORT Handbook: Basic to Advanced Reporting Techniques Jane Eslinger
  30. Introduction to Biostatistics with JMP Steve Figard
  31. Building Better Models with JMP Pro Jim Grayson
  32. Multiple Imputation of Missing Data Using SAS Patricia Berglund
  33. Real World Health Care Data Analysis: Causal Methods and Implementation Using SAS Douglas Faries
  34. SAS Certified Professional Prep Guide: Advanced Programming Using SAS 9.4 Various authors
  35. Applied Data Mining for Forecasting Using SAS Tim Rey
  36. SAS Statistics by Example Ron Cody
  37. SAS Programming with Medicare Administrative Data Matthew Gillingham
  38. The Story of Katherine Johnson: An Inspiring Biography for Young Readers Andrea Thorpe
  39. Mathematical Unity: The Langlands Programme and Beyond Oliver Vella
  40. Money Smart Kids: Building a Bright Financial Future Rachel A. Henderson
  41. Genese des Zahl- und Zeitbegriffs aus der Erinnerung: Von archaischen Kulturen bis zur Renaissance Jörg Witte
  42. Sobre la teoría de las relaciones binarias Carmen Leonor Pulido Segura
  43. Problem Solving Analysis Ron Rieke
  44. Mathematics for Real Applications Amaranaath Mehra
  45. Cimientos matemáticos Pauli Eric Pérez Contreras
  46. Humble Math: Secrets to Effortless Multiplication Mastery: "Master multiplication with ease! Access captivating audio lessons for ultimate math success and confidence." Kellan Ashford
  47. Symbolic Logic: [Complete & Illustrated] Lewis Carroll
  48. Thinking Better: The Art of the Shortcut Marcus du Sautoy
  49. Advanced Central Asiaproject Abacus (or) Advanced Asian Project Abacus: Advanced Central Asia project Abacus (or) Advanced Asian Project Abacus Kambham Vara Lakshmi
  50. Mastering Scientific Computing with R: Employ professional quantitative methods to answer scientific questions with a powerful open source data analysis environment Paul Gerrard