
  1. SPOTTYSAURUS SHARES BREAKFAST: A book about trying new foods and the joy of sharing Dino Manoli
  2. Mistress of Magic Heather Graham
  3. The Lucky Day (Seashell Key #3) Lourdes Heuer
  4. The Sleepy Dinosaurs – Bedtime Stories for Kids: Short Bedtime Stories to Help Your Children & Toddlers Fall Asleep and Relax! Great Dinosaur Fantasy Stories to Dream about all Night! Hannah Watson
  5. The Magic Unicorn & Sleepy Dinosaur Bed Time Stories Collection: Short Bedtime Stories to Help Your Children & Toddlers Sleep and Relax! Great Dinosaurs & Unicorn Fantasy Tales to Dream about all Night! Hannah Watson
  6. El ascenso y caída de los dinosaurios: Resumen y Análisis Steve Brusatte
  7. Dinosaur Survival Guide Clare Hibbert
  8. Origami Dinosaurs Joe Fullman
  9. Dino Doo Dah: Dino Rhymes For Modern Times Rod Chay
  10. MenoSaurus: Another Dimension S J House
  11. Boo's Dinosaur Betsy Byars
  12. Die Schwerelose Prinzessin George MacDonald
  13. Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs - Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous Periods Various authors
  14. Fossils for Kids: A Junior Scientist's Guide to Dinosaur Bones, Ancient Animals, and Prehistoric Life on Earth Ashley Hall
  15. My First Book of Dinosaurs: All About Prehistoric Creatures for Kids Erin Waters
  16. Dinosaur Coloring Book Irondad
  17. Dino was mijn vriend Harmen van Straaten
  18. The Real Story of Dinosaurs and Dragons: Science Sets the Fossil Record Straight Philip J. Senter
  19. Tapestries of Life: Uncovering the Lifesaving Secrets of the Natural World Anne Sverdrup-Thygeson
  20. Jättebläckfisken Lars Mæhle
  21. The Other World: Doc Savage #29 Lester Dent
  22. Tarzan the Terrible: Edgar Rice Burroughs Authorized Library Edgar Rice Burroughs
  23. Raptor på rymmen Carl-Otto Johansson
  24. Abenteuer über den Bücherrand hinaus:: Geschichten für junge Abenteurer Binjamin Zwi
  25. Das geheime Dinoversum Xtra: Auf der Fährte des T-Rex: Kinderbuch über Dinosaurier für Jungen und Mädchen ab 6 Jahre Rex Stone
  26. Das geheime Dinoversum: Eoraptor am Abgrund Rex Stone
  27. Die Dinorinos wollen Kekse Katharina Wieker
  28. Der fabelhafte Regenschirm: Das verschollene Dinosaurier-Ei: Magische Kinderbuchreihe für Jungen und Mädchen ab 8 Jahre Sarah Storm
  29. Das geheime Dinoversum: In den Fängen des Protosuchus: Kinderbuch über Dinosaurier für Jungen und Mädchen ab 7 Jahre Rex Stone
  30. Das geheime Dinoversum: Die Rettung des Plateosaurus Rex Stone
  31. Das geheime Dinoversum Xtra: Rettung für den Ankylosaurus Rex Stone
  32. Das geheime Dinoversum: Der Raubzug des Coelophysis Rex Stone
  33. Das geheime Dinoversum: Die List des Lystrosaurus Rex Stone
  34. Das geheime Dinoversum Xtra: Flucht vor dem Quetzalcoatlus Rex Stone
  35. Das geheime Dinoversum: Umzingelt vom Preondactylus Rex Stone
  36. Netraya Lovisa Wistrand
  37. Under the Stars Under stjernene KidKiddos Books
  38. Saber-Tooth: A Novel in Verse Robin Gow
  39. Parks and Dinosaurs Oliver Scott
  40. Dinosaur Facts Sierra Layne
  41. Ancient Dragons of the Sky: A History of Extinct Flying Reptiles Harry Govier Seeley
  42. Sous les étoiles (French Only): Under the Stars (French Only) Sam Sagolski
  43. SPOTTYSAURUS GOES TO THE DENTIST: A Book About Being Brave and Going to the Dentist Dino Manoli
  44. The Daring Dinosaur Derby: A Prehistoric Race of Speed, Agility, and Roaring Fun! Shu Chen Hou
  45. Upptäck dinosaurier Gina James
  46. Relaxing Meditation Dinosaur Bedtime Stories For Kids | Help Your Child Fall Asleep With Calming Sleep Tales to Unwind, Reduce Anxiety and Enhance Mindfulness For Children Word Wanderlust
  47. Den flygande kaninen hjälper en dinosaurie Johan Wanloo
  48. We Have Seen a Dinosaur! 我们看到恐龙了! 万一光
  49. A Poem for Every Question Brian Bilston
  50. Dinosaur Clues Samuel Livingston