Confronting the Bull Shark: Identifying and Preparing for Catastrophic Organizational Events Edward Barr
American Gridlock: Why the Right and Left Are Both Wrong - Commonsense 101 Solutions to the Economic Crises H. Woody Brock
Race for Tomorrow: Survival, Innovation and Profit on the Front Lines of the Climate Crisis Simon Mundy4
Capitalismo (1679-2065): Una aproximación al sistema económico que ha producido más prosperidad y desigualdad en el mundo Santiago Niño-Becerra4.1
Monetaire geschiedenis van Nederland: Een hoorcollege over de lessen uit het monetaire verleden voor heden en toekomst Edin Mujagic4.6
The Illusion of Control: Why Financial Crises Happen, and What We Can (and Can't) Do About It Jon Danielsson3.5
Revenge Capitalism: The Ghosts of Empire, the Demons of Capital, and the Settling of Unpayable Debts Max Haiven
Revenge Capitalism: The Ghosts of Empire, the Demons of Capital, and the Settling of Unpayable Debts Max Haiven
The Shifts and the Shocks: What We've Learned and Have Still to Learn From the Financial Crisis Martin Wolf3.5
The Financial Crisis and the Free Market Cure: Why Pure Capitalism Is the World Economy’s Only Hope John Allison3.4
The Fund: Ray Dalio, Bridgewater Associates and The Unraveling of a Wall Street Legend Rob Copeland4.5
Finance Psychology: How To Begin Thinking Like A Professional Trader (This Workbook About Behavioral Finance Is All You Need To Be Successful In Trading) Forex Investment Lounge