1. Santidade para todos: Descobrindo as Moradas Interiores Flavio Crepaldi
  2. Secrets of the Vatican Cyrus Shahrad
  3. The Wisdom and Prayers of the Pope Arcturus Publishing
  4. Sanctum Sanctorum: On the One Whose Name Is Holy Justin Mandela Roberts
  5. Communion Ecclesiology and Social Transformation in African Catholicism: Between Vatican Council II and African Synod II Idara Otu
  6. Integral Human Development: Challenges to Sustainability and Democracy Various authors
  7. Women’s Ordination in the Catholic Church John O’Brien
  8. The Bad Popes E.R. Chamberlin
  9. Mission to Kilimanjaro: The Founding History of a Catholic Mission in East Africa Alexandre Le Roy
  10. Subordinated Ethics: Natural Law and Moral Miscellany in Aquinas and Dostoyevsky Caitlin Smith Gilson
  11. A Catholic Pilgrimage through American History: People and Places that Shaped the Church in the United States Kevin Schmiesing
  12. Al Santo que me habita: Poesías para orar Walter R. Chiesa
  13. As muralhas vão cair Padre Reginaldo Manzotti
  14. Juan Pablo II - La huella Philippe Olivier
  15. Dialogues with God: Paths of Faith and Inner Self-Discovery Discover How Spirituality Guides You Toward Serenity and Personal Fulfillment Giacomo Miotto
  16. Evangelii Gaudium: On the Proclamation of the Gospel in Today's World Pope Francis
  17. The Catholic Church: A Short History Hans Kung
  18. MIRIAM Charo Porto Llovo
  19. The Practice of the Presence of God Brother Lawrence
  20. SANTO ROSARIO Fidem Dei
  21. Heaven or Heresy: A History of the Inquisition Thomas F. Madden
  22. A Igreja Papa Francisco
  23. Vergüenza: Abusos en la Iglesia católica
  24. Apologia Pro Beata Maria Virgine: John Henry Newman’s Defense of the Virgin Mary in Catholic Doctrine and Piety (New Edition) Robert M. Andrews
  25. The People Are Kind: A Religious History of Iowa Bill R. Douglas
  26. The Life of Christ in the Mass Saint Vincent Ferrer, O.P.
  27. Relíquias Sagradas: Dos tempos bíblicos à era digital Carlos Evaristo
  28. Espiritualidad y Mística Popular Bernardo Olivera
  29. Saint Anthony: Ancedotes Proving the Miraculous Power of St. Anthony Ingersoll B. Lockwood
  30. The Wild Knight and Other Poems G.K. Chesterton
  31. The Best Is Yet to Come: Paths of Faith to Overcome Pain: The Strength of Hope and Prayer AI
  32. St. Francis of Assisi G. K. Chesterton
  33. Saint Faustina Kowalska: A Life Inspired Wyatt North
  34. Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary Bob Lord
  35. The Catholic Church in the Modern Age Thomas F. Madden
  36. A família Papa Francisco
  37. A formação litúrgica do músico católico Sérgio Lisboa de Oliveira
  38. Laicos consagrados por el bautismo Roger Mullor Rodríguez
  39. Advent & Christmas: Prayer for the Journey Christopher Walker
  40. Rumbo a la plenitud Cipriano Sánchez García
  41. The Institute for Advanced Catholic Studies at the University of Southern California: A Personal History James L. Heft SM
  42. El primado del obispo de Roma: Orígenes históricos y consolidación (siglos IV-VI) Ramón Teja
  43. Diretório da Liturgia da Igreja no Brasil 2025 - Ano C - São Lucas - Digital Conferência Nacional dos Bispos do Brasil
  44. La historia de Tobías Lope de Vega
  45. My Burden Is Light: Suffering and Consolation in the Christian Life Saint John of Avila
  46. 8. Psicología y Sociología del Satanismo: Libro 8 de 27 HUGO RAMON ZAMORANO SANCHEZ
  47. The Puritans: History of the English Protestants Who Tried to Purify the Church of England Kelly Mass
  48. The Thirty Years’ War: The Most Destructive Religious War in European History Kelly Mass
  49. The Great Schism: How the Catholic Church Split up Kelly Mass
  50. Pastoreio de Almas em Terras Brazilis: a igreja católica no "Paraná" até a criação da diocese de Curitiba (XVII-XIX) Lizandro Poletto