DaVinci's Baby Boomer Survival Guide: Live, Prosper, and Thrive in Your Retirement Barbara Rockefeller
Listening, Learning, Caring and Counselling: The Essential Manual for Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Counsellors and Other Healthcare Professionals on Caring for Their Clients Kate Howell3.5
Legado Digital: Conhecimento, Decisão e Significado – Viver, Morrer e Enlutar na Era Digital A. Nazaré P. Jacobucci
Belonging in Healthcare: The Better Allies® Approach to Creating More Inclusive Workplaces Karen Catlin
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Cuidados Paliativos e Serviço Social: desafios e vivências na saúde da pessoa idosa Jacilene S. do N. Trindade dos Santos
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A Loving Approach To Dementia Care: Making Meaningful Connections with the Person Who Has Alzheimer's Disease or Other Dementia or Memory Loss: Making Meaningful Connections with the Person Who Has Alzheimer’s Disease Or Other Dementia or Memory Loss Laura Wayman5
NCLEX Review Book: Conquer the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) on Your First Try | Unleash an Extensive Range of Practice Tests | Uncover Proven Tactics | Fun and Interactive Learning Sessions | Streamlined Path to Certification Victory! Maxwel Breckenridge
When Reasoning No Longer Works: A Practical Guide for Caregivers Dealing with Dementia & Alzheimer's Care Angel Smits
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