
  1. Familias de esclavos en la villa de San Gil: (Nuevo Reino de Granada), 1700-1779: Parentesco, supervivencia e integración social Robinson Salazar Carreño
  2. USA's Bloody Birth World History
  3. Iola Leroy - Shadows Uplifted (With an Introductory Chapter by George F. Bragg): With an Introductory Chapter by George F. Bragg Frances Ellen Watkins Harper
  4. Being Brought from Africa to America - The Best of Phillis Wheatley Phillis Wheatley
  5. Through the Eyes of a Slave - Written Accounts of American Slavery Various
  6. The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man James Weldon Johnson
  7. A Runaway Slave from Baltimore: The Writings and Speeches of Frederick Douglass Frederick Douglass
  8. Twenty-Two Years a Slave - And Forty Years a Freeman Austin Steward
  9. El asedio a la libertad: Abolición y posabolición de la esclavitud en el Cono Sur Florencia Guzmán
  10. Proslavery and Sectional Thought in the Early South, 1740-1829: An Anthology
  11. Enslavement: Past and Present Orlando Patterson
  12. The Complete Poems of Paul Laurence Dunbar Paul Laurence Dunbar
  13. Giving A Damn: Racism, Romance and Gone with the Wind Patricia Williams
  14. Wake: The Hidden History of Women-Led Slave Revolts Rebecca Hall
  15. Human Trafficking: Modern-Day Slavery, Sex Trafficking, and Child Prostitution in the Global Economy Marcus Kline
  16. Terra, capital e trabalho no modo de produção escravista: bases agrárias do racismo brasileiro José Amilton de Almeida
  17. Sisson’s Kingdom: Floyd County’s Civil War Rand Dotson
  18. Fuga para a liberdade: Uma jornada épica de um casal contra a escravidão William Craft
  19. Os retornados: A história dos ex-escravizados que deixaram o Brasil e formaram comunidades afro-brasileiras no golfo do Benim Carlos Fonseca
  20. Black Cargoes: A History of the Atlantic Slave Trade 1518–1865
  21. Uncle Tom's Cabin Volume 1 Harriet Beecher Stowe
  22. Uncle Tom's Cabin Volume 2 Harriet Beecher Stowe
  23. Without Sanctuary: Photography, Lynching, and the Legacy of Racial Terror in America: A Group Perspective Vines Graener
  24. Running a Thousand Miles for Freedom Ellen Craft, William Craft
  25. Oroonoko: or, the Royal Slave Behn, Aphra
  26. दिमागी गुलामी | Dimagi Gulami राहुल सांकृत्यायन (Rahul Sankrityayan)
  27. Drax of Drax Hall: How One British Family Got Rich (and Stayed Rich) from Sugar and Slavery Paul Lashmar
  28. The Black Holocaust For Beginners S.E. Anderson
  29. American Slavery: History in an Hour Kat Smutz
  30. Páscoa Vieira diante da Inquisição: Uma escrava entre Angola, Brasil e Portugal no século XVII Charlotte de Castelnau-L'Estoile
  31. Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass - An American Slave Frederick Douglass
  32. An epistle to the clergy of the southern states: Challenging Religious Hypocrisy: A 19th Century Call for Justice and Equality Sarah Moore Grimké
  33. A caution and warning to Great Britain and Her Colonies: In a short representation of the calamitous state of the enslaved negroes in the British Dominions Anthony Benezet
  34. Thoughts upon the African Slave Trade: An Abolitionist's Reflections on the Inhumane Slave Trade John Newton
  35. Slavery and Social Death: A Comparative Study, With a New Preface Orlando Patterson
  36. Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl Harriet Jacobs
  37. Twelve Years a Slave Solomon Northrup
  38. The Memories of Life Before the Juneteenth: Memoirs, Interviews, Testimonies, Studies, Novels, Official Records on Slavery and Abolitionism Mark Twain
  39. Lest We Forget: The Passage from Africa into the Twenty-First Century Velma Maia Thomas
  40. Twelve Years a Slave Solomon Northup
  41. The Dawning of the Apocalypse: The Roots of Slavery, White Supremacy, Settler Colonialism, and Capitalism in the Long Sixteenth Century Gerald Horne
  42. Contos Negreiros (Integral) Marcelino Freire
  43. Escravidão e Estado: entre princípios e necessidades, São Paulo (1835-1871) Antonio Marco Ventura Martins
  44. Contos Negreiros (Integral) Marcelino Freire
  45. Island on Fire: The Revolt That Ended Slavery in the British Empire Tom Zoellner
  46. Trabalho Forçado Contemporâneo: a reserva da vida privada como tutela da liberdade Guimarães Campos Fonseca
  47. The President's Daughter William Wells Brown
  48. Dark Psychology: Influence, Paranoia, and the Evil of Human Trafficking Amanda Grapes
  49. Kindred Octavia E. Butler
  50. Paths to Freedom: Manumission in the Atlantic World