1. Mulheres na Política - 2ª Edição 2025: O Direito Eleitoral Sob uma Nova Perspectiva da Participação Feminina na Política Willian Medeiros de Quadros
  2. E a verdade os libertará: Reflexões sobre religião, política e bolsonarismo Ricardo Alexandre
  3. The Truth Trump Doesn’t Want You to Know Guy Smith
  4. Tutela Coletiva no Direito Eleitoral: legitimidade dos interessados difusos na fiscalização das eleições Reginaldo Gonçalves Gomes
  5. Down for the Count: Dirty Elections and the Rotten History of Democracy in America Andrew Gumbel
  6. Construção jurisprudencial sobre fraudes relativas à cota de gênero eleitoral: como pensam os tribunais? José Wilson Ferreira de Araújo Júnior
  7. Os engenheiros do caos: Como as fake news, as teorias da conspiração e os algoritmos estão sendo utilizados para disseminar ódio, medo e influenciar eleições Giuliano da Empoli
  8. Como ser um ditador?: Um manual Mikal Hem
  9. Antiamericanismo e a Era Bush Caio Blinder
  10. 100% Democracy: The Case for Universal Voting Miles Rapoport
  11. Direito Eleitoral: As leis que regem as eleições no Brasil JOSE ANTONIO DOS SANTOS
  12. Fall Out: A Year of Political Mayhem Tim Shipman
  13. Death Can’t Take A Joke Anya Lipska
  14. I'll Never Change My Name: An Immigrant's American Dream from Ukraine to the USA to Dancing with the Stars Valentin Chmerkovskiy
  15. Adventures of Stoob: Revolting Specimens Samit Basu
  16. Cold Peace: Avoiding the New Cold War Michael W. Doyle
  17. Mulheres e participação política: Análise Histórica e contesto atual no Brasil Jessica Holl
  18. The New Dominion: The Twentieth-Century Elections That Shaped Modern Virginia
  19. Eleições: O que mudou - Segunda edição Alberto Luís Mendonça Rollo
  20. The Fashion in Shrouds Margery Allingham
  21. Como passar concursos CEBRASPE -Direito Constitucional e Eleitoral Bruna Vieira
  22. Super-Revisão OAB Doutrina - Direito Eleitoral Savio Chalita
  23. Wrong Brother, Right Man Kat Cantrell
  24. Democracy or Else: How to Save America in 10 Easy Steps Jon Favreau
  25. The Supreme Court and Election Law: Judging Equality from Baker v. Carr to Bush v. Gore Richard Hasen
  26. How to Steal a Presidential Election Lawrence Lessig
  27. Trump's Indictment: The Unprecedented Indictment of Donald J. Trump Mark Jackson
  28. The Shadows L. A. Banks
  29. The Embattled Vote in America: From the Founding to the Present Allan J. Lichtman
  30. Brexit: What the Hell Happens Now?: Revised edition Ian Dunt
  31. History of Western Europe James Robinson
  32. History of the European Union: An audio course on the Origins and Development of the E.U. Richard T. Griffiths
  33. Heroic Failure: Brexit and the Politics of Pain: Brexit and the Politics of Pain Fintan O'Toole
  34. Pleasantville Attica Locke
  35. The Mueller Report: Final Special Counsel Report of President Donald Trump and Russia Collusion Robert Mueller
  36. The Mueller Report: Report on the Investigation into Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election Robert S. Mueller
  37. The Mueller Report: Report on the Investigation into Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election Robert S. Mueller
  38. The Mueller Report: Final Special Counsel Report of President Donald Trump and Russia Collusion Robert S. Mueller
  39. THE MUELLER REPORT: The Full Report on Donald Trump, Collusion, and Russian Interference in the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election Robert S. Mueller
  40. The Mueller Report Robert Mueller
  41. The Mueller Report Robert Mueller
  42. The Mueller Report: Complete Report On The Investigation Into Russian Interference In The 2016 Presidential Election Robert S. Mueller
  43. The Art of War: The Essential Translation of the Classic Book of Life Sun Tzu
  44. Bem Comum e Direito Ambiental Cristiano Dionísio
  45. The Clean Money Revolution: Reinventing Power, Purpose, and Capitalism Joel Solomon
  46. Como passar em concursos CESPE: direito eleitoral: 70 questões de direito eleitoral Wander Garcia
  47. A Case of Imagination Jane Tesh
  48. The Hidden History of the War on Voting: Who Stole Your Vote—and How to Get It Back Thom Hartmann
  49. Reformar el sistema electoral Jorge Urdánoz
  50. A Short History of Presidential Election Crises: (And How to Prevent the Next One) Alan Hirsch