1. Commons, Citizenship and Power: Reclaiming the Margins
  2. Sem puritanos, Sem democracia: investigação sobre a origem da democracia moderna Fábio José Barbosa Correia
  3. Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy Joseph A. Schumpeter
  4. In Defense of Open Society: Book Summary & Analysis George Soros
  5. La distancia del presente: Auge y crisis de la democracia española (2010-2020) Daniel Bernabé
  6. The People and the Ballot: A History of American Party Politics Joshua Kaplan
  7. E a verdade os libertará: Reflexões sobre religião, política e bolsonarismo Ricardo Alexandre
  8. Que sujeito somos nós?: Poder, racionalidade (neo)liberal e democracia Monica Stival
  9. A grande regressão: um debate internacional sobre os novos populismos — e como enfrentá-los David Van Reybrouck
  10. Democracy in America: Book Summary & Analysis Alexis de Tocqueville
  11. Segurança Pública No Brasil Maria Da Glória De Mello
  12. Ascensão da nova direita e o colapso da soberania política: transfigurações da política social Potyara Amazoneida P. Pereira
  13. Common Sense: Book Summary & Analysis Thomas Paine
  14. The Rights of Man: Book Summary & Analysis Thomas Paine
  15. La democracia es posible: Sorteo cívico y deliberación para rescatar el poder de la ciudadanía Ernesto Ganuza
  16. Anarchism: The Basics: An Introduction to the Philosophy and Principles of Anarchy Arlo Holders
  17. Anarchism and Society: How Anarchism Proposes to Organize a Stateless Society Arlo Holders
  18. The Limits of Liberty: Book Summary & Analysis James M. Buchanan
  19. Dicionário Técnico De Política Direita Conservadora Cristã
  20. Caio Coppolla, Mente Brilhante Direita Conservadora Cristã
  21. Lula X Acm Direita Conservadora Cristã
  22. O Sistema Eleitoral Proporcional Brasileiro sob a Perspectiva da Educação Matemática Crítica Prof. Marcelo de Jesus
  23. Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy: Exploring the Evolution of Economic Systems and the Future of Democracy Joseph A. Schumpeter
  24. Beating Back the Assault on Knowledge: Why It Matters More Than Ever: "Supercharge your knowledge journey! Dive into powerful audio lessons that empower your learning experience like never before." Caspian Aldridge
  25. Democratic Socialism Defined: Balancing Democracy and Social Welfare in Modern Societies Arlo Holders
  26. Populism and Democracy: How Populist Movements Challenge Established Political Norms Arlo Holders
  27. Markets and Democracy: Exiting the Tyranny of the Majority Björn Wahlroos
  28. The Impact of Populism: How Populist Policies Affect Global and National Governance Arlo Holders
  29. Republicanism Explained: The Principles of Republican Government and Its Variants Arlo Holders
  30. Populism Vs. Liberalism: A Comparative Analysis of Political Ideologies Arlo Holders
  31. Conocimiento expropiado: Epistemología política en una democracia radical Fernando Broncano
  32. The Anarchist Movement: A historical Overview of Anarchist Theory and Practice Arlo Holders
  33. Balance temprano: Desde la izquierda democrática Autores Varios
  34. Political Philosophy: Ideas and Foundations of Governance Hector Davidson
  35. The Populist Wave: Understanding the Rise of Populism in Modern Politics Arlo Holders
  36. The Neoliberal Revolution: How Neoliberalism Transformed Global Economies Arlo Holders
  37. The Populist Playbook: Strategies and Tactics Used by Populist Leaders Arlo Holders
  38. Tomás Tirano Sátrapa, El Arte Del Saqueo Nacional Raul Armesto Ruiz
  39. A Revolta Dos Putos Daisy Aguinaga D'eibar
  40. Protests & Social Movements: Voices of Change and the Fight for Rights (4 in 1) Fredrich Hazelton
  41. Conducir al capital: Estado o mercado, una falsa dicotomía Delfina Rossi
  42. Indian Democracy: Origins, Trajectories, Contestations
  43. A Real Right to Vote: How a Constitutional Amendment Can Safeguard American Democracy Richard L. Hasen
  44. Democracy in Action: Collective Problem Solving in Citizens' Governance Spaces Albert W. Dzur
  45. Estado Democrático de Direito e o Inquérito 4.781/STF: reflexões sobre a defesa institucional no mundo das "fake news" Alex Klaic
  46. Ideologies and Political Systems: Exploring Core Political Theories and Structures (4 in 1) Arlo Holders
  47. Communism and Socialism: The Development and Practice of Socialist Ideas (4 in 1) Arlo Holders
  48. Populism and Democracy: Examining the Intersection of Populism and Democratic Systems (3 in 1) Arlo Holders
  49. Micro Democracy: The Democracy Revolution of the Information Era: The Democracy Revolution of the Information Era. Aaron Ran
  50. Firepower: How the NRA Turned Gun Owners into a Political Force Matthew J. Lacombe