1. Codependent No More: by Melody Beattie | Key Takeaways, Analysis & Review (How to Stop Controlling Others and Start Caring for Yourself): How to Stop Controlling Others and Start Caring for Yourself IRB Media
  2. 52 Life-Changing Lessons I Learned in Recovery: A Journey Towards Sobriety, Honesty, & Radical Forgiveness Lisa Stanton
  3. O Método Fácil de Parar de Fumar Allen Carr
  4. Hard Knocks: Memoir of a Small Moment Ray Lopez
  5. A Way of Life, Like Any Other: A Novel Darcy O'Brien
  6. Dear G_d: A Conversation with G-d, While on the Road to Recovery Nancy W.
  7. How to Quit Alcohol: A Comprehensive Guide to Achieving Sobriety Skriuwer
  8. How to Quit Smoking: The Journey to Freedom and a Healthier Life Skriuwer
  9. 6° tradición de AA: Alcohólicos Anónimos No Se Afilia A Nada: Vivir Para Servir Oslos Molina
  10. Por ser Joven,La Primera Vez No acepte Ser Alcoholica: Experiencias AA Oslos Molina
  11. Me Robe La Septima De Un Grupo De AA: Vivir Para Servir Oslos Molina
  12. Al Padrino Le Preste dinero Y No Me Pago: Vivir Para Servir Oslos Molina
  13. El Viejo Sangrante Me Corrio Del Grupo: Vivir Para Servir Oslos Molina
  14. 9° tradición de AA: Los Servicios En AA: Vivir Para Servir Oslos Molina
  15. Me Acoso Un Padrino En Un Grupo De AA: Vivir Para Servir Oslos Molina
  16. 6° Promesa De AA: Desaparecera El Sentimiento De Culpa E Inutilidad: Temas Espirituales Oslos Molina
  17. Vida Ingobernable: Temas Espirituales Oslos Molina
  18. Otro Dia Mas De Sobriedad: Experiencias AA Oslos Molina
  19. Desglose Del 1° Capitulo Del Libro Azul: La Historia De Bill W: Experiencias AA Oslos Molina
  20. El Alcohol Y Mis Complejos: Experiencias AA Oslos Molina
  21. The Life-Changing Magic of Quitting Alcohol Sharon Hartley
  22. Hidden Drug Scandals: Unmasking Secrets of the Third Reich: "Transform your understanding! Explore gripping audio lessons that reveal the hidden drug scandals of the Third Reich!" Jasper Wainwright
  23. Burro Hills Julia Lynn Rubin
  24. Grace Rediscovered: Finding Hope and Healing Through Faith and Recovery Ben Gosden
  25. The Story of Drugs: How Substances Influenced Human History John Harpoon
  26. Break Free from Emotional Chains and Live Fully: "Transform your life! Access inspiring audio lessons to break free from emotional chains and thrive!" Cyrus Eldridge
  29. Cage of Lit Glass Charles Kell
  30. Last Visit Chad Abushanab
  31. Raft of Grief Chelsea Rathburn
  32. Stop Drinking Alcohol: Learn How to Recover from Alcohol Addiction Using Quick and Easy Strategies Andrea Gasper
  33. Transforming Struggles: Secrets to Thriving with the Twelve Steps: "Unlock your potential with our audio lessons—master the Twelve Steps and thrive through your struggles!" Gideon Ferrier
  34. Sure Signs of Crazy Karen Harrington
  35. O Amor me Exigiu: quando as drogas chegam em quem você ama Rudinei Zorzo
  36. O Uso do Crack e as Estratégias de Redução de Danos Anne Alice Quaresma Mattos
  37. Unusual Medicine: Essays on Autistic identity and drug addiction David Gray-Hammond
  38. Man Up. Sober Up: Eight Powerful Steps to Reclaim Respect, Conquer Isolation, and Thrive in Recovery Ryan Penley
  39. Diary of a Secret Drug Addict: Addiction, dependence and recovery. An ex-user’s guide to breaking free. Secret Drug Addict
  40. Alcoholism and Recovery Bundle: 3 in 1 Bundle, Alcoholism, Sober, Hangover Cure Scott J. Larson
  41. Sobriety Workbook for Women: Practical Strategies to Live and Thrive without Alcohol Jennifer Leupp
  42. Adult Children of Alcoholic Parents: An Evidence-Based Workbook to Heal Your Past Kara Lissy
  43. Manual Do Sobrevivente Vol. 1 Paulo César Gama
  44. 12º Promesa de AA : Dios está haciendo por nosotros lo que por nosotros mismos no podíamos hacer: Temas Espirituales Oslos Molina
  45. 11° Promesa De AA: Sabremos manejar situaciones que antes nos desesperaban.: Temas Espirituales Oslos Molina
  46. Diary of a Drunk Driver: The Complete and Accurate Tale of a Man Arrested For and Convicted of Driving While Intoxicated Michael Palermo
  47. Álcool & Drogas: Como Prevenir E Se Recuperar Flávio Mendes Paz
  48. Racing Toward Recovery: The Extraordinary Story of Alaska Musher Mike Williams Sr. Lew Freedman
  49. From Adition to Hope: A Parent's Guide to Supporting a Child's Recovery from Substance Abuse Giacomo Miotto
  50. Momma's Lost Piano: A Memoir David Madden