A Joosr Guide to... Get Out of My Life by Tony Wolf and Suzanne Franks: The Best-Selling Parent’s Guide to the New Teenager Joosr
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30-Second Literature: The 50 most important forms, genres and styles, each explained in half a minute Ella Berthoud5
You Can Draw Manga Chibis: A step-by-step guide for learning to draw basic manga chibis Samantha Whitten3.9
You Can Draw Manga Chibi Characters, Critters & Scenes (A step-by-step guide for learning to draw cute and colorful manga chibis and critters): A step-by-step guide for learning to draw cute and colorful manga chibis and critters Samantha Whitten3.5
You Can Draw Comic Book Characters (A step-by-step guide for learning to draw more than 25 comic book characters): A step-by-step guide for learning to draw more than 25 comic book characters Spencer Brinkerhoff III5
The Nerf Blaster Modification Guide: The Unofficial Handbook for Making Your Foam Arsenal Even More Awesome Luke Goodman4
Helping Your Troubled Teen: Learn to Recognize, Understand, and Address the Destructive Behavior of Today's Teens and Preteens Cynthia S Kaplan
Confident Parents, Confident Kids: Raising Emotional Intelligence in Ourselves and Our Kids--from Toddlers to Teenagers Jennifer S. Miller
The Essential Guide to Raising Complex Kids with ADHD, Anxiety, and More: What Parents and Teachers Really Need to Know to Empower Complicated Kids with Confidence and Calm Elaine Taylor-Klaus
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The Grown-Up's Guide to Crafting with Kids: 25+ fun and easy craft projects to inspire you and the little ones in your life Vicki Manning3
Kids, Sex & Screens: Raising Strong, Resilient Children in the Sexualized Digital Age Jillian Roberts