Today, A Delhi Court granted bail to Aumkareshwar Thakur who is accused of creating the 'Sulli Deals' app on GitHub, that enabled auctioning of Muslim women's pictures online. While granting him the bail, the court observed and listen to this carefully: The court said that he is a first-time offender and that prolonged incarceration would be detrimental to his overall well being. Chief Metropolitan Magistrate Pankaj Sharma of Patiala House Court granted bail to Thakur after noting that the investigation in the matter was completed and the chargesheet was filed earlier this month. Additionally, according to Delhi Police, bail has also been granted to 21 year old Neeraj Bishnoi who is alleged to be the conspirator and creator of the Bulli Bai App on GitHub. However, an order copy of Bishnoi's bail is awaited. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Today, A Delhi Court granted bail to Aumkareshwar Thakur who is accused of creating the 'Sulli Deals' app on GitHub, that enabled auctioning of Muslim women's pictures online. While granting him the bail, the court observed and listen to this carefully: The court said that he is a first-time offender and that prolonged incarceration would be detrimental to his overall well being. Chief Metropolitan Magistrate Pankaj Sharma of Patiala House Court granted bail to Thakur after noting that the investigation in the matter was completed and the chargesheet was filed earlier this month. Additionally, according to Delhi Police, bail has also been granted to 21 year old Neeraj Bishnoi who is alleged to be the conspirator and creator of the Bulli Bai App on GitHub. However, an order copy of Bishnoi's bail is awaited. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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