Decisiones que cuentan: Principios para tomar decisiones económicas que te cambiarán la vidaAndrés Panasiuk
Built on Purpose: Discover Your Deep Inner Why and Manifest the Business of Your DreamsBetsy Lynn Fore
The GREAT Morning Revolution: Daily Spiritual Practices for Meaningful Moments with GodTara Beth Leach
A Concise Business Guide to Climate Change: What Managers, Executives, and Students Need to KnowGunnar Trumbull
The China Business Conundrum: Ensure That "Win-Win" Doesn't Mean Western Companies Lose TwiceKen Wilcox
Undisrupted: Leadership Essentials on Business Transformation, Profitability and Future ReadinessIan Khan
No B.S. Marketing to the Affluent: No Holds Barred, Take No Prisoners, Guide to Getting Really Rich (4th Edition, Revised)Dan S. Kennedy
The Leaders You Need: How to Create Diverse Leadership Teams for a More Dynamic, Resilient FutureKaren Brown
Four Days a Week: The Life-Changing Solution for Reducing Employee Stress, Improving Well-Being, and Working SmarterJuliet Schor
The Little Book of Data: Understanding the Powerful Analytics that Fuel AI, Make or Break Careers, and Could Just End Up Saving the WorldJustin Evans