ستارت أب

  1. Buttercream Dreams: Small Cakes, Big Scoops, and Sweet Treats Jeff Martin
  2. The Go-to-Market Cheat Code: The Secret to Unlocking B2B Growth Josh Wagner
  3. Kid Start-Up: How YOU Can Become an Entrepreneur Mark Cuban
  4. Invent and Wander: The Collected Writings of Jeff Bezos: The Collected Writings of Jeff Bezos, With an Introduction by Walter Isaacson
  5. مارد الأحذية : مذكرات مؤسس شركة NIKE فيل نايت
  6. The Entrepreneur’s Paradox: How to Overcome the 16 Pitfalls Along the Startup Journey Curtis Morley
  7. Buttercream Dreams: Small Cakes, Big Scoops, and Sweet Treats Jeff Martin
  8. يا مسافر فارس زاهر
  9. الإدارة في عصر المعرفة والعولمة د. علي السلمي
  10. فتشر إدريس الرفاعي وجوي العجلوني
  11. كريم عبدالله إلياس
  12. Легкий венчур: Практическое пособие для начинающих ангелов и будущих единорогов Игорь Рябенький
  13. Your Next Big Thing: Creating Successful Business Ideas from Scratch Matthew Mockridge
  14. The Ultimate Marketing Engine: 5 Steps to Ridiculously Consistent Growth John Jantsch
  15. From Startup to Exit: An Insider's Guide to Launching and Scaling Your Tech Business Shirish Nadkarni
  16. Angel Investing: Insider Secrets to Wealth Creation Sanjay Kulkarni
  17. The 20% Doctrine: How Tinkering, Goofing Off, and Breaking the Rules at Work Drive Success in Business Ryan Tate
  18. The Startup Game: Inside the Partnership between Venture Capitalists and Entrepreneurs William H. Draper
  19. Another Way: Building Companies That Last…and Last…and Last Dave Whorton
  20. [BEST PRACTICE] Disruptive Innovation: incl. Bonus – With many practical examples & an excursus to the Lean StartUp Method Simone Janson
  21. Conduct Staff Appraisals & Job Interviews: Communicate Professionally in Personnel Development, Application Processes & Difficult Leadership Situations [Checklists Conversation Guidelines Templates]: incl. Bonus – Communicate Professionally in Personnel Development, Application Processes & Difficult Leadership Situations [Checklists Conversation Guidlines Templates] Simone Janson
  22. Dismissed what now? Survival Guide on Being Quit & Kicked Out: incl. Bonus – Employment Law, Warning, Crisis Prevention & Management, Coping with Departure, Crisis as Chance, New Start & Career Simone Janson
  23. IT Recruiting & Skills Shortage: incl. Bonus – Finding, Addressing, Recruiting and Retaining Internationally Qualified IT Staff [Templates Checklists Examples] Simone Janson
  24. Overcoming Procrastination: incl. Bonus – Cure Postponementitis permanently, stop to Postpone Delay Defer or Avoid things, improve Productivity Efficiency & Time Management for Chaotic People Simone Janson
  25. Plan & Implement Projects with Success: incl. Bonus – Project Management & Process Development, Lead Creative Projects to Success, Develop Strategies, Create Concepts & Learn to Solve Problems Simone Janson
  26. The Application of the Dragon. Storytelling to Job Success: incl. Bonus – How Employers attract good Employees & Applicants can use HR Marketing & Recruiting Knowledge in Interview & Selection Simone Janson
  27. [BEST PRACTICE] Disruptive Innovation: incl. Bonus – Mit vielen Praxisbeispielen & einem Exkurs zur Lean-StartUp-Methode Simone Janson
  28. Die Bewerbung des Drachen. Storytelling zum Joberfolg: incl. Bonus – Wie Arbeitgeber Mitarbeiter gewinnen & Bewerbern Personalmarketing & Recruitingwissen in Vorstellungsgespräch & Auswahl hilft Simone Janson
  29. Führungskraft - was jetzt?: incl. Bonus – Erfolgreiche Teamführung, Mitarbeitermotivation & Personalmanagement, Führungstechniken & Führungsstile gezielt einsetzen, neu als Chef Respekt gewinnen Simone Janson
  30. IT Recruiting & Fachkräftemangel: incl. Bonus – International qualifizierte IT-Mitarbeiter finden, ansprechen, rekrutieren und halten [Vorlagen Checklisten Beispiele] Simone Janson
  31. Kündigung und dann? Survival Guide zum Rauswurf: incl. Bonus – Kündigungsrecht, Abmahnung, Krisenvorsorge, Krisenmanagement, Aufbruch und Krise als Chance bewältigen, Rausschmiss und neue Karriere Simone Janson
  32. Mitarbeiter-Gespräche & Jobinterviews führen: incl. Bonus – Professionell kommunizieren in Personalentwicklung Bewerbungprozessen & schwierigen Führungssituationen [Checklisten Gesprächsleitfäden Vorlagen] Simone Janson
  33. Projekte erfolgreich planen & umsetzen: incl. Bonus – Projektmanagement & Projektentwicklung, kreative Projekte zum Erfolg führen, Strategie entwickeln, Konzepte erstellen & Probleme lösen lernen Simone Janson
  34. Prokrastination überwinden: incl. Bonus – Aufschieberitis dauerhaft kurieren, Schluss mit dem Dinge verschieben verzögern vermeiden, bessere Produktivität Effizienz & Zeitmanagement für Chaoten Simone Janson
  35. Leader - What To Do Now?: incl. Bonus – Successful Team Leadership, Employee Motivation & Human Resource Management, Use Leadership Techniques & Leadership Styles, Gain Respect as a new Boss Simone Janson
  36. Ideal Teamplayer: incl. Bonus – Find & hire suitable employees for the right job as a recruiter, promote cohesion through a selection process, achieve goals together & successfully with others Simone Janson
  37. Ideal Teamplayer: incl. Bonus – Als Recruiter passende Mitarbeiter für den richtigen Job finden & einstellen, per Auswahlverfahren Zusammenhalt fördern, gemeinsam erfolgreich Ziele erreichen Simone Janson
  38. Kollege Roboter? Keine Angst vor Jobverlust: incl. Bonus – Neue Karriere-Chancen mit Automatisierung, Skills Training Potential nutzen, Perspektive gewinnen dank AI & Künstliche Intelligenz Simone Janson
  39. Robot as a Colleague? No Fear of Job Loss: incl. Bonus – New career opportunities with automation, use digital skills training potential, gain future perspectives with artificial intelligence Simone Janson
  40. Lean Startups for Social Change: The Revolutionary Path to Big Impact Michel Gelobter
  41. Trajectory: Startup: Ideation to Product/Market Fit - A Handbook for Founders and Anyone Supporting Them Dave Parker
  42. Coupang N. Chokkan
  43. Wish N. Chokkan
  44. VICE N. Chokkan
  45. Uber N. Chokkan
  46. WeWork N. Chokkan
  47. Tanium N. Chokkan
  48. DocuSign N. Chokkan
  49. Slack N. Chokkan
  50. Palantir N. Chokkan