

  1. Сефевиды: Иранская шахская династия Фархад Карими
  2. Book of Kin Darius Atefat-Peckham
  3. Historia de Persia: Una guía fascinante sobre el auge y la caída del Imperio persa y la vida de Ciro el Grande Billy Wellman
  4. Invisible Martyrs: Inside the Secret World of Female Islamic Radicals Farhana Qazi
  5. مقامات بديع الزمان الهمذاني بديع الزمان الهمذاني
  6. History of Iran: Events, Turning Points, Religion, and Empirical Conquests Kelly Mass
  7. History of the Middle East: Various Aspects of the Region (6 in 1) Kelly Mass
  8. Peace First: A New Model to End War Uri Savir
  9. Screwed: The Undeclared War Against the Middle Class—And What We Can Do about It Thom Hartmann
  10. La Doncella Teodor Lope de Vega
  11. The Persians Aeschylus
  12. On Wings of a Lion: The Persian Glories Saga Susan Wakeford Angard
  13. Messianic Reveal Ethan T. Burroughs
  14. Passport to Oblivion James Leasor
  15. The Persian Night: Iran under the Khomeinist Revolution Amir Taheri
  16. A Door between Us Ehsaneh Sadr
  17. The Love Poems of Rumi: Translated by Nader Khalili Rumi
  18. The Spiritual Poems of Rumi: Translated by Nader Khalili Rumi
  19. The Art of Looking Up Catherine McCormack
  20. Am I Alone In Thinking... ?: Unpublished Letters to the Editor
  21. The Friendship Poems of Rumi: Translated by Nader Khalili Rumi
  22. Rails Around the World: Two Centuries of Trains and Locomotives Brian Solomon
  23. Top Gun: 50 Years of Naval Air Superiority Dwight Jon Zimmerman
  24. Am I Missing Something...: Unpublished Letters from the Daily Telegraph
  25. The Hidden History of American Oligarchy: Reclaiming Our Democracy from the Ruling Class Thom Hartmann
  26. Dreams and Visions: Is Jesus Awakening the Muslim World? Tom Doyle
  27. Night in Tehran Philip Kaplan
  28. Bones of the Hills Conn Iggulden
  29. Unsettled Reem Faruqi
  30. Zwischen den Welten: Von Macht und Ohnmacht im Iran Natalie Amiri
  31. Slaying the Nuclear Dragon: Disarmament Dynamics in the Twenty-First Century
  32. State Behavior and the Nuclear Nonproliferation Regime
  33. Learn Persian - Level 5: Advanced Persian, Volume 1: Lessons 1-50 Innovative Language Learning
  34. Metal Men: Marc Rich and the $10 Billion Scam A. Craig Copetas
  35. The CIA War in Kurdistan: The Untold Story of the Northern Front in the Iraq War Sam Faddis
  36. America's First Clash with Iran: The Tanker War, 1987–88 Lee Allen Zatarain
  37. Foxcatcher William H. Hallahan
  38. Five Myths About Nuclear Weapons Ward Wilson
  39. Holy Wars: 3000 Years of Battles in the Holy Land Gary L. Rashba
  40. Assassins of the Turquoise Palace Roya Hakakian
  41. The Man Who Snapped His Fingers Fariba Hachtroudi
  42. Iran's Nuclear Option: Tehran's Quest for the Atom Bomb Al J. Venter
  43. Guests of the Ayatollah: The Iran Hostage Crisis: The First Battle in America's War with Militant Islam Mark Bowden
  44. The Gardens of Consolation Parisa Reza
  45. Tehran Noir
  46. Bomb Scare: The History & Future of Nuclear Weapons Joseph Cirincione
  47. Shah of Shahs Ryszard Kapuscinski
  48. Desperately Seeking Paradise: Journeys of a Sceptical Muslim Ziauddin Sardar
  49. Rome, Parthia & India: The Violent Emergence of a New World Order, 150–140 BC John D. Grainger
  50. Executive Secrets: Covert Action & the Presidency William J. Daugherty