
  1. The Life of a Spy: An Education in Truth, Lies, and Power Rod Barton
  2. Babylon: The Ancient Wonder of Mesopotamia Josie Hertz
  3. The Master Plan: ISIS, al-Qaeda, and the Jihadi Strategy for Final Victory Brian Fishman
  4. فرانكشتاين في بغداد أحمد سعداوي
  5. صدام حسين عبود مصطفى
  6. مقتل بائع الكتب سعد محمد رحيم
  7. ملوك الرمال علي بدر
  8. السّندباد والأميرة والفهد الحكواتي
  9. حمام اليهودي علاء مشذوب
  10. سارق العمامة شهيد شهيد
  11. طیور التاجي إسماعيل فهد إسماعيل
  12. قادمون يا عتيق "الكتاب الذي قتل ناشره" نوزت شمدين
  13. Saddam Hussein: Warmonger, Invader, Dictator, and Oil Trader Kelly Mass
  14. History of Iran: Events, Turning Points, Religion, and Empirical Conquests Kelly Mass
  15. History of the Middle East: Various Aspects of the Region (6 in 1) Kelly Mass
  16. The Kurds: History of a Forgotten Ethnic Minority Kelly Mass
  17. Darius the Great: Biography of the Persian Ruler during the Achaemenid Empire Kelly Mass
  18. Battle Scars: Twenty Years Later: 3d Battalion 5th Marines Looks Back at the Iraq War and How it Changed Their Lives Chip Reid
  19. فسحة للجنون سعد محمد رحيم
  20. Historia de Mesopotamia: Una guía fascinante sobre las antiguas civilizaciones, ciudades e imperios de Iraq, Irán, Siria y Turquía Captivating History
  21. El Imperio acadio: Una guía fascinante del primer imperio antiguo de Mesopotamia y de cómo Sargón el Grande de Acad conquistó las ciudades-estado sumerias Captivating History
  22. عشبة ضارّة في الفردوس هيثم حسين
  23. Uruk: The First City and Its Vanished Glory Minerva Smith
  24. The Rise of Isis: The Formation and Impact of the Islamic State in the 21st Century Fredrich Hazelton
  25. The Syrian Civil War: Conflict, Humanitarian Crisis, and the Struggle for Power Fredrich Hazelton
  26. The Art of the Ancient Near East: Early Civilizations and Their Art Haya Vent
  27. Sirens: How to Pee Standing Up—An Alarming Memoir of Combat and Coming Back Home Laura Naylor Colbert
  28. Heart for the Fight: A Marine Hero's Journey from the Battlefields of Iraq to Mixed Martial Arts Champion John R. Bruning
  29. McCoy's Marines: Darkside to Baghdad John Koopman
  30. Predator: The Remote-Control Air War over Iraq and Afghanistan: A Pilot's Story Matt Martin
  31. Into the Viper's Nest: The First Pivotal Battle of the Afghan War Stephen Grey
  32. Liberate and Leave: Fatal Flaws in the Early Strategy for Postwar Iraq Don Eberly
  33. Headhunter: 5-73 Cav and Their Fight for Iraq's Diyala River Valley Peter C. Svoboda
  34. Das Mädchen, das den IS besiegte: Faridas Geschichte Farida Khalaf
  35. Across Cultures and Empires: An Immigrant's Odyssey from the Soviet Army to the US War in Iraq and American Citizenship Mahir Ibrahimov
  36. الرجع البعيد فؤاد التكرلي
  37. The Blind Strategist: John Boyd and the American Art of War Stephen Robinson
  38. Grey Wars: A Contemporary History of U.S. Special Operations N.W. Collins
  39. Back in Action: An American Soldier’s Story of Courage, Faith, and Fortitude David Rozelle
  40. The Mandate for Mesopotamia: The History and Legacy of British Occupation and Iraq’s Independence after World War I Charles River Editors
  41. Summary and Analysis of Thank You for Your Service: Based on the Book by David Finkel Worth Books
  42. Marine Corps Tank Battles in the Middle East Oscar E. Gilbert
  43. Shade It Black: Death and After in Iraq Jess Goodell
  44. The CIA War in Kurdistan: The Untold Story of the Northern Front in the Iraq War Sam Faddis
  45. The Fires of Babylon: Eagle Troop and the Battle of 73 Easting Mike Guardia
  46. The Deserter's Tale: The Story of an Ordinary Soldier Who Walked Away from the War in Iraq Joshua Key
  47. Why Soldiers Miss War: The Journey Home Nolan Peterson
  48. Baghdaddy: How Saddam Hussein Taught Me to Be a Better Father Bill Riley
  49. International Reporting: The War in Iraq Anthony Shadid
  50. Hearts and Mines: With the Marines in al Anbar: A Story of Psychological Warfare in Iraq Russell Snyder