
  1. Pandemia: el año de la peste Mario Escobar
  2. Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World: Certain Hope In Uncertain Times Dr. David Jeremiah
  3. The Likely Future: Briefings from Pax: (The Rest of the Story) Penelope Jean Hayes
  4. Hummingbird Salamander Jeff VanderMeer
  5. فيروس - الموسم 2 Daniel Åberg
  6. Blood Music Greg Bear
  7. Saving the Magic Kingdom: A Novel Jeff Dixon
  8. A Journal of the Plague Year Daniel Defoe
  9. The Redemption Trilogy Box Set: Emergence, Penance, Resurgence AJ Sikes
  10. فيروس - الموسم 1 Daniel Åberg
  11. The Extinction New Zealand Series Box Set: The Rule of Three, The Fourth Phase, The Five Pillars Adrian J. Smith
  12. Blood Music Greg Bear
  13. Sixteen Horses: A BBC Two Between the Covers Book Club Pick Greg Buchanan
  14. Llega el monstruo. Covid-19, gripe aviar y las plagas de capitalismo: COVID-19, gripe aviar y las plagas del capitalismo Mike Davis
  15. The Network: A Novel L. C. Shaw
  16. Board Stiff Piers Anthony
  17. Second Chance Angel Griffin Barber
  18. The Key to Fury Kristin Cast
  19. Anatomy: A Crash Course Joanna Matthan
  20. 30-Second Medicine: The 50 crucial milestones, treatments and technologies in the history of health, each explained in half a minute Gabrielle M Finn
  21. Bats: An illustrated guide to all species Marianne Taylor
  22. The Hypochondriac's Pocket Guide to Horrible Diseases You Probably Already Have Dennis DiClaudio
  23. Pick, Spit & Scratch: The Science of Disgusting Habits Julia Garstecki
  24. The Atlas of Disease: Mapping deadly epidemics and contagion from the plague to the zika virus Sandra Hempel
  25. Die Wahrheit über Covid-19: Was wir wissen und was nicht. Und wie Sie sich vor dem Coronavirus schützen können Miryam Muhm
  26. Book Four of Five David Hughes
  27. The Pause - A Short Story Set in the World of Tomorrow is Another Year Scott Tierney
  28. The Extinction Cycle Boxed Set, Books 4–6: Extinction Evolution, Extinction End, and Extinction Aftermath Nicholas Sansbury Smith
  29. Vacunas: Verdades, mentiras y controversia Peter C. Gøtzsche
  30. The Unedited: A Novel about Genome and Identity Pernille Rørth
  31. Predators Frederick Ramsay
  32. COVID-19: The Greatest Cover-Up in History—From Wuhan to the White House Dylan Howard
  33. Worlds Apart Joe Haldeman
  34. The Painted Veil W. Somerset Maugham
  35. The Worlds Trilogy: Worlds, Worlds Apart, and Worlds Enough and Time Joe Haldeman
  36. Pandora's Clock John J. Nance
  37. The Scarlet Plague Jack London
  38. Worlds Enough and Time Joe Haldeman
  39. A Matter of Life and Death: Inside the Hidden World of the Pathologist Sue Armstrong
  40. Lazarus Rising: A Novel Joseph Caldwell
  41. The Cure: A Thriller Bradlee Frazer
  42. Fever: A Novel Deon Meyer
  43. The Coming of the Night John Rechy
  44. Year of Plagues: A Memoir of 2020 Fred D'Aguiar
  45. Sword of the Caliphate Clay Martin
  46. The Year's Work at the Zombie Research Center John Gibson
  47. The Monster at Our Door: The Global Threat of Avian Flu Mike Davis
  48. Lockdown: India Under Siege from Corona Sunil Sharan
  49. The Real Zombies of Nature Scientific American
  50. Glimmering Elizabeth Hand