British Military Operations in Aden and Radfan: 100 Years of British Colonial Rule Nicholas van der Bijl
‘Fair Play’ or Poisoned Chalice: The Last Years of Britain's Presence and Policy in Southern Arabia Sultan Ghalib bin ‘Awadh al-Qua‘iti II
Air Defence Artillery in Combat, 1972 to the Present: The Age of Surface-to-Air Missiles Mandeep Singh
Arab Seafaring: In the Indian Ocean in Ancient and Early Medieval Times - Expanded Edition George F. Hourani
The Lost Ark of the Covenant: Solving the 2,500-Year-Old Mystery of the Fabled Biblical Ark Tudor Parfitt
This Is the Way the World Ends: How Droughts and Die-Offs, Heat Waves and Hurricanes Are Converging on America Jeff Nesbit