كتب واقعية
اللغة الإنجليزية

House of Prisca and Aquila Series كتب بالترتيب

  1. Domestic Violence: Identification and Restoration Jean A. Dimock
  2. The Quest for Biblical Servant Leadership: Insights from the Global Church
  3. Jesus Among the Homeless: Successful Strategies of Christian Ministers to the Marginalized Wilma Faye Mathis
  4. The Christian World Liberation Front: The Jesus Movement's Model of Revival and Social Reform for the Postmodern Church Jeanne C. DeFazio
  5. Christian Egalitarian Leadership: Empowering the Whole Church according to the Scriptures Various authors
  6. Cave of Little Faces: A Novel Aída Besançon Spencer
  7. Empowering English Language Learners: Successful Strategies of Christian Educators
  8. Berkeley Street Theatre: How Improvisation and Street Theater Emerged as a Christian Outreach to the Culture of the Time
  9. The New Covenant as a Paradigm for Optimal Relations: Marital Principles Derived from a Theological-Psychological Integration Pablo Polischuk
  10. The Quest for Gender Equity in Leadership: Biblical Teachings on Gender Equity and Illustrations of Transformation in Africa Various authors
  11. Redeeming the Screens: Living Stories of Media “Ministers” Bringing the Message of Jesus Christ to the Entertainment Industry
  12. Strengthening Families and Ending Abuse: Churches and Their Leaders Look to the Future Various authors
  13. Creative Ways to Build Christian Community
  14. The People Paul Admired: The House Church Leaders of the New Testament Beulah Wood
  15. Forever and Always: The Art of Intimacy Steven R. Tracy
  16. Interpreting Life: Christian Women's Roles in the Church and Home Patricia C. Burke
  17. Responding to Abuse in Christian Homes: A Challenge to Churches and their Leaders Various authors
  18. Answer the Prayer of Jesus: A Call for Biblical Unity John P. Lathrop
  19. Some Men Are Our Heroes: Stories by Women about the Men Who Have Greatly Influenced Their Lives Various authors
  20. A Place Where Everybody Matters: Life and Ministry in a Small Church Jean Risley

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