Your Story, Well Told!: Creative Strategies to Develop and Perform Stories that Wow an AudienceCorey Rosen5
The Voice Catchers : How Marketers Listen In to Exploit Your Feelings, Your Privacy and Your Wallet: How Marketers Listen In to Exploit Your Feelings, Your Privacy, and Your WalletJoseph Turow
Why We Don't Achieve Sh*t: Thirty-One Reasons Why All Your Planning Got You Nowhere. And Where To Go From HerePasteur Tran4
Awkward Silences and How to Prevent Them: 25 Tactics to Engage, Captivate, and Always Know What To SayPatrick King4.3
People Tactics: Strategies to Navigate Delicate Situations, Communicate Effectively, and Win Anyone OverPatrick King4
Beat Fear: The Science of Overcoming, Managing, and Using Fear to Live on Your Own Terms and Break Free of your Mental PrisonPatrick King4
Everyday Charisma: Techniques for Mass Appeal, Charm, and Becoming a Social PowerhousePatrick King4.2